2015-至今,山东第一医科大学,免疫学研究所 讲师
2014-2014,韩国 忠南大学,医学研究所,博士后
2010-2014,韩国 忠南大学,感染生物学,博士
2008-2010,韩国 忠南大学,分子医学,硕士
1. Quan JH, Chu JQ, Kwon J, Choi IW, Ismail HA, Zhou W, Cha GH, Zhou Y, Yuk JM, Jo EK, Lee YH. Intracellular Networks of the PI3K/AKT and MAPK Pathways for Regulating Toxoplasma gondii-Induced IL-23 and IL-12 Production in Human THP-1 Cells. PloS One. 2015 10(11): e0141550.
2. Quan JH, Kang BH, Cha GH, Zhou W, Koh YB, Yang JB, Yoo HJ, Lee MA, Ryu JS, Noh HT, Kwon J, Lee YH. Trichonomas vaginalis metalloproteinase induces apoptosis of SiHa cells through disrupting the Mcl-1/Bim and Bcl-xL/Bim complexes. PLoS One. 2014 9(10):e110659.
3. Zhou W,Quan JH,Lee YH,Shin DW,Cha GH. Toxoplasma gondii Proliferation Require Down-Regulation of Host Nox4 Expression via Activation of PI3 Kinase/Akt Signaling Pathway,PloS One. 2013 8(6): e66306.
4. Quan JH, Cha GH, Zhou W, et al. Involvement of PI 3 kinase/Akt-dependent Bad phosphorylation in Toxoplasma gondii-mediated inhibition of host cell apoptosis. Exp Parasitol. 2013, 133(4):462-471.
5. Quan JH, Chu JQ, Ismail HA, Zhou W, Jo EK, Cha GH, Lee YH. Induction of protective immune responses by a multiantigenic DNA vaccine encoding GRA7 and ROP1 of Toxoplasma gondii. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2012, 19(5):666-674.
6. Kim JY, Hwang JH, Zhou W, Shin J, Noh SM, Song IS, Kim JY, Lee SH, Kim J.The expression of VEGF receptor genes is concurrently influenced by epigenetic gene silencing of the genes and VEGF activation. Epigenetics. 2009, 4(5):313-321.
Email: mianyizw@163.com